Award season is in full swing and last night we saw the
music industry slapping itself (in rhythm) on its back at the BRITs.Like the NTAs (see review here) the BRITs
wasn't ways the arena-filling showcase that it is now.The first occasion when the British music
industry decided that huge profits, gold discs, public adoration, sex, drugs
and rock’n’roll wasn’t enough for their darlings and they needed an end of term
prize for their efforts, was in 1977 as part of the Queen's Jubilee.It was snappily called “The BRITish Record
Industry BRITannia Awards”.The awards were such a roaring success that they
didn’t bother having another ceremony until 1982.In 1977 it was presented by Michael Aspel and broadcast on ITV.In 1982 it was presented by David Jacobs and
wasn’t even broadcast (they really, as Ant and Dec would say, “upped their
game”. More on them later).
The first time we mortals got to see how useless our music
heroes were at acceptance speeches (a trait that lives on today) was in 1985
when the BBC began broadcasting the awards ceremony.In
those days it was more like the Variety Club Awards i.e. it was presented by
Noel Edmonds, everyone wore tuxedos, it came from the Grosvenor House Hotel and
it was all done and dusted in an hour.That year Prince won two awards and accepted them by mumbling
nonsensically.I also vividly remember
an Australian man coming on in a baseball cap with a dog to hand over the
lifetime achievement award (which I’m sure even in 1985 went to Annie
Lennox) and tell everyone that "you've all done very well" a bit like young Mr Grace in Are You Being Served. Hold on a mo.....yep just
googled’s not my age, I did remember it (sort of) correctly.The chap was Maurice Oberstein and he was the
chair of the BPI.He was American and
the award went to the Police.You can
watch it here).Glad we got that sorted
The award itself in those days looked like a CD (which had
only been launched a couple of years previously).It was then changed into dancing musical notes,
then the back of a 50 pence piece and eventually became like an Oscar™ (NB: for
copyright reasons can I say that any comparisons between a BRIT award and an
Oscar ™ is purely coincidental and is probably more to do with the fact that
Britannia Music Club took over sponsorship of the awards the same year).If you want to see the full collection then
go to Annie Lennox’s website here (I told you she had won a lot).
The award ceremony then got bigger, bolder, better, then
worse, then really worse, then recorded, then live again, then bigger and
finally big and quite good.So that
brings us up-to-date with last night's show.It was hosted (for the last time) by Ant and Dec (ITV’s Noel Edmonds)
wearing tuxedos and looking slightly out of place.Now I love Ant and Dec.I think they peaked on SM:TV with Cat Deeley
at the turn of the century but they are brilliant at presenting live TV.But somehow this isn't their best
gig. They looked like 1970’s comedians
and some of their material was reminiscent of that time period as well.The BRITs has tried a whole range of
presenters over the years (everyone remembers Sam Fox and Mick Fleetwood for
being awful; some remember James Corden for being good; no one remembers Cathy
McGowan from the 1990 show) and the search is on again for new presenters for
next year.
The night began with an opening reminiscent of the 2012 Olympic
games with lots of statuesque ladies becoming living BRIT statues (if on Sunday
the Oscars™ do something similar with beefy men covered in gold then I reckon
that’s one all on the copyright infringement front).Then Coldplay came on and were, well,
Coldplay.I know Coldplay are Marmite,
but at events like these, they are a safe pair of hands to open.Then the awards started and pattern was set
for the rest of the evening:
When giving an award 2 people who struggled to
read the autocue always did it.
With the stage being circular and the venue
being so big, the winner never knew which way to look, so just looked all around
which left the TV director playing a game of cat and mouse trying to catch them
actually looking at a camera.
Adele came on and accepted every other award and
occasionally swore, which was the most rock’n’roll thing that happened all
The performances are really now the talking points of the
BRITs and over the two and a half hours we were treated to:
Justin Bieber singing around a campfire with
James Bay, then all hell being let loose as
someone obviously hadn’t risk
assessed the activity properly and before you could say “viral video” the whole
stage was alight with fire and little Justin was joined by a troupe of dancers
in a scene reminiscent of the film
Wicker Man.
Singers instructing the crowd to “make some
noise” which seemed counterintuitive to me.These people have paid big bucks to hear you sing and you tell them to
try and drown you out.Perhaps that says
something about the quality of their singing.
Rihanna appeared to be wearing the legs from Sesame Street’s Big Bird and was joined
stage by Drake (ah, perhaps that’s why she was going for the bird theme) and
performed her new single Work.The audience loved it (well they were
probably just glad she turned up), but I was left still trying to locate the
Jess Glynne’s hair appeared to be channelling
Crystal Tipps (from Crystal Tipps and Alistair.If you are under 40 click here) and occasionally forgot to open her
mouth but carried on singing.
Which brings us to Little Mix.Obviously one of them had popped down the ASDA
and picked up Spectre on DVD as their set seemed heavily influenced
by the “Day of the Dead” opening to the film.They strutted around inbetween skulls, tapping their canes, wearing their
big Bridget Jones pants in a voodoo-meets- pop mash-up singing and
dancing.Well dancing all the time, but
apparently only singing the verses as we only appeared to be hearing the
backing track during the chorus.I
assume this was a technical glitch as I have a soft spot for Little Mix and
judging by YouTube clips they can actually can sing live.
And then there was the Bowie tribute.Now this got me into trouble on Twitter last
night as I thought GaGa was better at the Grammys, but Bowie aficionados said
that at least the BRITs used Bowie's band.That said. Lorde? Really?Still
at least it was an opportunity for Annie Lennox to make an appearance and for
Gary Oldman to show how to perform without an autocue.
Alas what this years' BRITs lacked was controversy, bad
behaviour and an 80’s icon being strangled by her own cape.Never mind.Maybe next year.